This is an incredibly rhetorical letter from Cindy Sheehan (The stupid bitch who can’t get over the noble death of her son who was in Iraq trying to free an entire people from a tyrannical dictator (Accomplished) and insurgents (who killed him))
My comments are in red.
Open Letter to George’s Mama
…a message from Cindy Sheehan
Dear Barbara,
On April 04, 2004, your oldest child killed my oldest child, Casey Austin Sheehan. (Bullshit… As she states later, it was an insurgents bullet to his head.)
Unlike your oldest child, my son was a marvelous person who joined the military to serve his country and to try and make the world a better place (And that is what he did!). Casey didn’t want to go to Iraq (Then he really didn’t want to make the world a better place did he?), but he knew his duty. Your son went AWOL from a glamour unit (Again, more bullshit). George couldn’t even handle the Alabama Air National Guard. Casey joined the Army before your son became commander in chief. We all know that your son was thinking of invading Iraq as early as 1999. Casey was a dead man before George even became president and before he even joined the Army in May of 2000.
I raised Casey and my other children to use their words to solve problems and conflicts (Then why the HELL did he join the military and not become a lawyer or politician or something?). I told my four children from the time that they were small that it is ALWAYS wrong to kick, bite, hit, scratch, pull hair, etc. If the smaller children couldn’t find the words to solve their conflicts without violence (That’s what the military faces, is violence… What planet are you on?), I always encouraged them to find a mediator like a parent, older sibling, or teacher to help them find the words.
Did you teach George to use his words and not his violence to solve problems? It doesn’t appear so. Did you teach him that killing other people for profits and oil (unfounded accusations) is ALWAYS wrong? Obviously you did not. I also used to wash my children’s mouth out with soap on the rare occasion that they lied… did you do that to George? Can you do it now? He has lied and he is still lying. Saddam did not have WMDs (YES HE DID, we sold them to him before he was our enemy! We just didn’t find as much as we had hoped because he either used them already or sold them to other countries) or ties with al-Qaeda (Who is Abu Musab Al-Zaqawi then?) and the Downing Street Memos prove that your son knew this before he invaded Iraq.
On August 3rd, 2005, your son said that he killed my son (No, he said he “died for a noble cause” not that he “killed him”) and the other brave and honorable Americans for a “noble cause.” Well, Barbara, mother to mother, that angered me. I don’t consider invading and occupying another country that was proven not to be a threat to the USA is a noble cause. (What about freeing MILLIONS of people from a dictator, Saddam Hussein, and bringing democracy to them!?! Is that not noble?) I don’t think invading a country, killing its innocent citizens (Inevitable part of war), and ruining the infrastructure (Also Inevitable, you have to bring them down before rebuilding them) to make your family and your family-friendly war profiteers rich is a noble cause.
So I went down to Crawford in August to ask your son what noble cause did he kill my son for. He wouldn’t speak with me. (Because you are enormously disrespectful!) I think that showed incredibly bad manners. Do you think a president, even if it is your son, should be so inaccessible to his employers? (No, just you and others like you.) Especially one of his bosses whose life George has devastated so completely?
I have been to the White House several times since August to try and meet with George and I am going back to Crawford next week. Do you think you can call him and ask him to do the right thing and bring the troops home from this illegal and immoral war in Iraq that he carelessly started? (All you libs are so bleeding heart, we need to help people, free people from tyranny, feed the poor, etc, etc… But when someone actually does it and they’re not a Liberal then you are against it!) I hear you are one of the few people he still talks to. He won’t speak to his father, who knew the difficulties and impossibilities of going into Iraq and that’s why he didn’t go there in the 1st Gulf War. If you won’t tell him to bring the troops home, can you at least urge him to meet with me?
You said this in 2003, a little over a year before my dear, sweet Casey was killed by your son’s policies:
“Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? Oh, I mean, it’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?” (Good Morning America, March 18, 2003)
Now I have something to tell you, Barbara. I didn’t want to hear about deaths or body bags either. On April 04, 2004, three Army officers came to my house to tell me that Casey was killed in Iraq. I fell on the floor screaming and begging the cruel Angel of Death to take me too. (Too bad he didn’t come for you… Would’ve made the world a better place) But the Angel of Death that took my son is your son.
Casey came home in a flag draped coffin on April 10th. I used to have a beautiful mind too. Now my mind is filled with images of seeing his beautiful body in his casket and memories of burying my brave and honest boy before his life really began. Casey’s beautiful mind was ended by an insurgent’s bullet to his brain, but your son might as well have pulled the trigger.
Besides encouraging your son to have some honesty and courage and to finally do the right thing, don’t you think you owe me and every other Gold Star parent an apology for that cruel and careless remark you made? (Nope)
Your son’s amazingly ignorant, arrogant, and reckless policies in Iraq are responsible for so much sorrow and trouble in this world. (hahaha… 90-95% of the Iraqi’s don’t think so! And the other 5-10% are insurgents or just don’t care.)
Can you make him stop? Do it before more mothers’ lives are needlessly and cruelly harmed. There have been too many worldwide already. (Then talk your kids out of joining the military, tell them they may get killed, and if they don’t listen, don’t blame anyone but your kid and yourself, not the Commander-in-Chief, who is fighting a noble war)
Sincerely, (My Ass!)
Cindy Sheehan
Mother of Casey Sheehan (Died fighting for a Noble Cause and is probably rolling over in his grave for what you are doing!)
Founder and President of Gold Star Families for Peace
Founder of Camp Casey Peace Foundation