by Dennis Clayton | Jun 23, 2005 | Controversy, General, Humor, World & News
COLOGNE, Germany (Hollywood Reporter) – German film critics are up in arms over Paramount’s worldwide embargo on reviews of Steven Spielberg’s “War of the Worlds” until the film’s day-and-date release next Wednesday. The...
by Dennis Clayton | Jun 4, 2005 | General, Humor, Software, Technology
Microsoft Releases piece of crap scaled down XP in India. What a joke, read the part in red below… Why would someone even in India want a piece of crap… Personally I think this will encourage more underground piracy. This will give people a taste of XP and...
by Dennis Clayton | May 4, 2005 | General, Humor
Wow, saw this over on Drudge and had to repost it. I want one of these. (Article Drudge linked to) CLEARFIELD, Pa. (AP) – The burger war is growing. Literally. Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub, which lost its crown as the home of the world’s biggest burger...
by Dennis Clayton | Mar 29, 2005 | General, Humor, Sirius, The Right, World & News
I’m now Dude #1301 on the Mike Church show. I didn’t expect to get on the air, but while I was on hold waiting for the screener to confirm my Dude #, Mike called me onto the air. Just talked about the Jesse Jackson/Terri Schiavo stuff. I suggested Mike to...