COLOGNE, Germany (Hollywood Reporter) – German film critics are up in arms over Paramount’s worldwide embargo on reviews of Steven Spielberg’s “War of the Worlds” until the film’s day-and-date release next Wednesday.
The country’s leading film critics association launched an official protest Wednesday against what it calls “a violation of basic constitutional rights.”
A violation of basic constitutional rights?
Because they don’t get to see the movie before anyone else?!?!
What a bunch of BIG BABIES! Get over it.
They call this a “A violation of basic constitutional rights”, but put down the U.S. led war on terrorism to free entire nations from dictators and terrorists who have a grip over them.
They should get to see a movie early, but the U.S. should stop fighting around the world and let the islamo-facists take away “basic constitutional rights” that those people don’t even fully have yet!
What is this world coming to?!
The damn Germans should just grow up, quit their whining and drink another damn beer!
haha, yea… I guess that's the main good thing that comes out of Germany… 🙂 Nothing better than a good German beer and a Bratwurst.