Welcome to my new blog, I will post ramblings here from time to time. I was always a lazy blogger in the past, but I am going to try and keep it up better this time.
BTW – If anyone wants a blog like this, I can host it on my servers… It’s an Apache, Linux (Linspire), MySQL setup…
$12/year for https://hyperial.com/YourName & YourName@hyperial.com email forwarding…
$5/month for http://www.YourDomain.com/ includes domain name registration, 3 – 50meg Email boxes w/ Webmail/POP3/IMAP access…
If you do not have a website or your own .com, this is a cheap and easy way to get it and helps me pay for my bandwidth. 🙂
I accept Paypal, Check, or MO… Email me for more info: blog@hyperial.com