by Dennis Clayton | Mar 19, 2009 | Microsoft, Review, Software, Technical, Technology, Web
Microsoft’s new Internet Explorer 8.0 is just downright pitiful… To the extreme. After spending so much time “improving” IE8 to make it more standards compliant, it failed miserably. Screenshot (in native IE 8 mode) So I...
by Dennis Clayton | Dec 19, 2008 | General, Software, Web, YouTube
Here is a little tip I came up with after getting annoyed going into incognito every time after opening Chrome. Setting the following setting will allow you to launch Chrome in incognito mode.
by Dennis Clayton | Sep 2, 2008 | Apple, Cool Stuff, Review, Software, Technical, Technology
Google released their new Chrome web browser shortly before the end of a video announcement about it at 11am PST. I had the download page ready at the beginning of the video ( and was only getting a “404 – not...
by Dennis Clayton | Sep 2, 2008 | Apple, Cool Stuff, General, Review, Software, Technical, Technology
Later today Google is expected to release a new web browser based on Webkit (what Safari uses) and Firefox. I feel that it will be a welcome addition to the browser wars. I used Firefox, but have notice a lot more browser crashes with 3.x than previous...