So what do you all think about this Terri Schiavo (Search) stuff?
I personally understand both sides of it… The husband claims she said a long time ago that she told him she would not want to live if something like this happened to her. If my wife told me the same, I would honor her wishes… BUT, only if the rest of the family didn’t have any doubt she could recover.
The parents have been there for her, all the are asking is simply Michael Schiavo divorce their daughter and turn custody over to them. The reasons he doesn’t do this are speculative, but the main factor I think is playing a part is the money from the lawsuits.
If the wife stays alive and he divorces her, the parents get the $$ to take care of her… If she dies while he is still married, he keeps the money. People have killed others for MUCH less. I think that’s the only reason he is fighting for her demise.
Then these rich guys come forward and offer him millions to let her parents take over (them getting the $$), but he turns them down. If he takes it, then everyone will know he’s in it for the money. I bet he’s kicking himself now…
He already has another family, a new girlfriend and two kids… He could care less about whether her parents take custodianship of Terri.
My opinion, (and they’re like assholes, everyone has one), is that this guy is a scumbag only in this for the money. Plan and simple. That’s all. I think everyone is blowing this out of proportion.
Message from Bob Schindler (Terri's Father)
By now you have probably heard about a young woman who is threatened with starvation in Florida.
That young woman is my daughter, Terri. In 1990, through circumstances which are shrouded in mystery (and may involve a criminal act by Terri's estranged husband), my daughter was left severely brain-damaged.
But before I go any further, I must put an end to the lies and misinformation that are circulating around the country through the media concerning my daughter's condition.
Contrary to anything you may have heard, Terri is NOT brain dead; Terri is NOT in a coma; she is NOT in a "persistent vegetative state;" nor is she on ANY life-support system.
Terri laughs, Terri cries, she moves, and she makes child-like attempts at speech with her mother and me. Sometimes she will say "Mom" or "Dad" or "yeah" when we ask her a question. When I kiss her hello or goodbye, she looks at me and "puckers up" her lips.
This may not seem like much to you, but it means everything to Terri's mother and me. It tells us she is still here, she still knows us, and with therapy and time she can have some level of recovery.
I know that there are some hard hearted people who believe that due to my daughters condition, she is better off dead. Words cannot describe the pain and anger such sentiments cause us. This is our daughter, our little girl, and even in her disabled condition, she still has the right to life and the right to be loved and cared for by her family.
In 1993 my family initiated litigation against Michael Schiavo solely for the purpose of acquiring medical, physical and neurological assistance for our daughter Terri. The litigation escalated in 1998 when Michael Schiavo petitioned the court to stop Terri from receiving food and water, thereby starving her to death.
In filing this legal action, he retained the services of a high profile euthanasia attorney and the financial backing of powerful euthanasia organizations. He also used Terri's medical rehabilitation money to underwrite much of the legal expenses associated with his effort to starve our daughter to death.
We know that he has spent nearly $500,000 of Terri's money in attorney's fees for just one attorney trying to obtain a court order to have Terri starved to death. The very money that was supposed to be used for Terri's rehabilitation is being used to have her killed.
We very quickly discovered it was impossible for us to compete with the abundance of financial and legal resources the pro-death organizations were providing Micheal Schiavo in their effort to kill Terri. They are pouring time and effort into her starvation because they want to use this case to further the agenda of legalized euthanasia.