by Dennis Clayton | Mar 29, 2006 | Apple, Cool Stuff, General, Humor, Technical, Technology
A buddy of mine recently sent me this link and thought it was the coolest thing! I’m going to have to try and create one of these for myself! 🙂 Link: Click Here
by Dennis Clayton | Mar 18, 2006 | Apple, Cool Stuff, General, Software, Technology
Doesn’t look like a Mac does it? But I think it’s probably perfoming better than a real Mac. The Mac Minis are only 1.66ghz Dualcore, the laptops and Desktop are only 2.16ghz Dualcore Intels… My new Dell/Mac is 2.8 ghz… So it’s most...
by Dennis Clayton | Feb 28, 2006 | Apple, Cool Stuff, Gadgets, General, Software, Technology
I knew it was coming, sooner or later, and here it is, the new Mac Mini Intel Core Duo. I am going to wait and see how the benchmarks go, although I know it will be substantially better. The Intels were supposed to be better than even G5’s and the old mini was a...
by Dennis Clayton | Feb 26, 2006 | Apple, Cell Phones, Cool Stuff, Gadgets, General, Technology
I was with Nextel and have always been a big proponent of them in the area I live due to limited national cellphone coverage, but the price was starting to get a bit high on the monthly plans and all the good plans were reserved ONLY for new customers. What a load of...
by Dennis Clayton | Jan 3, 2006 | Apple, Controversy, General, Linux, Software, Technology
The below is a good reason to switch from Windows if you can. To Linux or MacOSX… This is another reason too for Steve Jobs and Apple to finalize a version of MacOSX that runs on standard PCs. It is possible as I have seen it installed myself on various PCs....
by Dennis Clayton | Dec 6, 2005 | Apple, Cool Stuff, General, Technology
I put to use an old piece of junk I had lying around. I used to have a G4 Mac Cube… But it burned itself out. So I tried plugging in the keyboard that came with it and it’s working great. The nice thing is that the keyboard has two USB ports built right...