by Dennis Clayton | Oct 24, 2009 | General, Microsoft, Review, Software, Technical, Technology, Windows 7
First Install I am usually not big on Microsoft releases, but since Vista was a disappointment, and XP was getting old, I decided I would do something I’ve never done before. I actually purchased a version of Windows. Now don’t get me wrong, I have...
by Dennis Clayton | Jun 30, 2009 | Cool Stuff, General, Humor, Technology
Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was an inventor and a mechanical and electrical engineer. Tesla was born in the village of Smiljan near the town of Gospić, Vojna Krajina, in the territory of today’s Croatia. He was an ethnic Serb subject of the...
by Dennis Clayton | Apr 23, 2009 | Cloud Computing, General, Linux, Review, Software, Technical, Technology, Ubuntu, Web
I ran across a webserver called Cherokee a week or so ago while looking around for “light” alternatives to Apache on VPSes. It looked pretty nice, so I downloaded it and compiled the latest version 0.99.9 and started it up. The nicest thing, I think,...
by Dennis Clayton | Mar 19, 2009 | Microsoft, Review, Software, Technical, Technology, Web
Microsoft’s new Internet Explorer 8.0 is just downright pitiful… To the extreme. After spending so much time “improving” IE8 to make it more standards compliant, it failed miserably. Screenshot (in native IE 8 mode) So I...
by Dennis Clayton | Mar 18, 2009 | Cool Stuff, Linux, Review, Software, Technology, Ubuntu
Left Slicehost, joined Linode I moved my sites (2 servers) from Slicehost to Linode due to no 32-bit support at Slicehost and am VERY happy with the service I am receiving from Linode. They have been excellent at answering the few questions I had during setup...
by Dennis Clayton | Feb 19, 2009 | Apple, Gadgets, General, iPhone, Technology
Outside of a few minor updates to the iPhone (3G) and updated laptop line, Apple has gotten pretty stale. I think they put the hopes of “Apple Faithful” (I’m one I’ll admit) into overdrive and couldn’t keep it up. Sure the economy is a little bad. ...