by Dennis Clayton | Sep 9, 2006 | Asinine, Controversy, General, The Left, The Right, The War, World & News
On Friday evening, Bill Clinton’s lawyers sent a new letter to ABC chief Bob Iger demanding that ABC yank “The Path to 9/11.” We’ve obtained a copy of the letter, and it reads in part: “As a nation, we need to be focused on preventing...
by Dennis Clayton | Aug 29, 2006 | Controversy, Cool Stuff, General, Humor, The War, World & News
Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is being made to watch his appearance in cult cartoon South Park while he is behind bars. The deposed leader on trial in Iraq was featured in the movie spin-off as the lover of the devil. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut...
by Dennis Clayton | Jul 31, 2006 | Controversy, General, The Left, The Right, The War, World & News
This is a good article Mircat emailed to me and felt compelled to post. ___________________ When I was in the Navy, I once witnessed a bar fight in downtown Olongapo (Philippines) that still haunts my dreams. The fight was between a big oafish Marine and a rather...
by Dennis Clayton | Jul 27, 2006 | Controversy, Cool Stuff, General, Humor, The Left, The Right, The War, World & News
My buddy Mircat sent me this link from Michelle Malkin’s blog. So, so true, considering it’s over 33 years old! From Michelle Malkin’s Blog: It’s U.N. man! Circa 1972 Michelle: Thanks to reader Giles Babb for sending me this decades-old...
by Dennis Clayton | Jul 24, 2006 | Cool Stuff, General, The Right, The War, World & News
America is sending this sweet piece of hardware to Israel to drop on Hezbollah, I REALLY hope they get the video coverage of this making impact. This is one serious piece of terror-ass-kicking munition. 5000 pounds of laser-guided death hurtling downwards at terminal...
by Dennis Clayton | Jul 19, 2006 | Controversy, General, Humor, The Left, The Right, The War, World & News
HOPE THIS DOESN’T OFFEND ANYONE EITHER. First of all, almost anyone can be a good “Politically Correct Liberal Progressive Democrat.” However, there are some necessary prerequisites. A-You must believe that even though you represent a small percentage of the...