by Dennis Clayton | Apr 1, 2006 | Controversy, Crime, General, The Left, The Right, The War, World & News
It is time that we defend our country from these foreign infiltrators… This has gone on too long. These people come here, get low-paying under the table jobs, and suck the areas they live in dry. Hospitals have gone out of business due to an overwhelming number...
by Dennis Clayton | Feb 7, 2006 | Controversy, General, The Left, The War, World & News
All these people should be ashamed of themselves!!! Today’s memorial service for civil rights activist Coretta Scott King — billed as a “celebration” of her life — turned suddenly political as one former president took a swipe at the...
by Dennis Clayton | Dec 13, 2005 | Controversy, General, The Left, World & News
This is directly taken off the front page of the L.A. Times. Stanley Tookie Williams dies by lethal injection at 12:35 a.m. Supporters inside yell that state has ‘just killed an innocent man.’ Innocent man? Innocent? Come on people. This is the admitted...
by Dennis Clayton | Nov 21, 2005 | Controversy, General, The Left, The Right, World & News
This is just one issue I STRONGLY disagree with Bush on. This is probably the biggest, most obvious mistake his administration has made. If this would’ve happened before the elections, I would not have voted for him again. Sort-of a long article, but it just...
by Dennis Clayton | Nov 17, 2005 | Controversy, General, The Left, The Right, World & News
This is an incredibly rhetorical letter from Cindy Sheehan (The stupid bitch who can’t get over the noble death of her son who was in Iraq trying to free an entire people from a tyrannical dictator (Accomplished) and insurgents (who killed him)) My comments are...
by Dennis Clayton | Nov 17, 2005 | Controversy, General, The Left, The Right, World & News
Saw this one another website… Here is just first part… “Since the left seems to be judging George W. by War and the number of deaths in those wars, check out these guys. He shut down newspapers, imprisoned editors, and forced reporters to toe the...