by Dennis Clayton | Jul 18, 2006 | Cool Stuff, General, Linux, Software, Technical, Technology
Back in April I wrote a snippet about the WebServ WAMP package, but I found a new and better one that beats the pooooo out of WebServ. WAMP5 (1.6.4a) is basically the same but with more up to date components and has an excellent taskbar menu that can take care of a...
by Dennis Clayton | Jun 15, 2006 | Cool Stuff, General, Linux, Software, Technical, Technology
I just downloaded a browser my brother sent me the link to call Flock. I just now set it up and am posting this post via the integrated blog component built into Flock. It also is cross platform, I am running the Linux version right now on my Ubuntu 6 laptop using the...
by Dennis Clayton | May 4, 2006 | Cool Stuff, General, Software, Technical
This is a test of the blog utility for Firefox to see how well it works and so on. It perfectly integrates into Firefox as well as my wordpress blog here and looks pretty cool. Check out the plugin for Firefox at http://performancing.comAnytime I want to post...
by Dennis Clayton | Apr 8, 2006 | Cool Stuff, General, Linux, Software, Technical, Technology
For those of you who want to get into Apache,MySQL & PHP/PERL (AMP) and don’t have the knowledge or resources to setup a dedicated Linux box to play around with AMP, I suggest downloading WebServ (DOWNLOAD) which is a pre-packaged setup that installs the...
by Dennis Clayton | Mar 29, 2006 | Apple, Cool Stuff, General, Humor, Technical, Technology
A buddy of mine recently sent me this link and thought it was the coolest thing! I’m going to have to try and create one of these for myself! 🙂 Link: Click Here
by Dennis Clayton | Mar 28, 2006 | Cool Stuff, General, Linux, Software, Technical, Technology
Last night I downloaded the entire 3.1gb FC5 Install ISO and burned it this evening. At first it scared me a little, the first DVD burn failed, the second did too! The third was the charm, I lowered the burn speed 2x to 6x and it completed just fine. The install, at...