Embracing the Apple Ecosystem: Simplifying Electronic Life

Embracing the Apple Ecosystem: Simplifying Electronic Life

The Apple Device ecosystem is often met with skepticism, but once you embrace it, you’ll find that managing your electronic life becomes significantly simpler and more convenient. My journey with Apple began way back in 1981 when I first encountered Apple...
Hillary & Trump – Election 2016 – Is this the end?

Hillary & Trump – Election 2016 – Is this the end?

Many people who know me may tend to think I lean towards the “right”, but I do so much less than they have seen. My newer friends may see me leaning much more to the “left”, but I still have many views that are not. And considering my...

Goodbye 2014, 2015 is upon us.

For me, 2014 was a year of struggle. Personally, emotionally and financially it started out with high hopes, as every year does, but 2014 ended sort-of, kind-of low for me. But that low is temporary. Due to a number of reasons, things went south early in the year,...